(781) 588-9661 [email protected]



Allied Environmental LLC provides the expertise, experience, and proper equipment to safely remove asbestos containing materials from your facility. All projects are performed with fully trained, licensed and certified employees, all projects strictly follow local, state and federal regulations.

Asbestos Abatement

Asbestos Containing Materials were once known as a “miracle” fiber, asbestos has been used since the early 1900s and found in many products. Unfortunately, asbestos containing materials have proven to be a significant health hazard linked to lung disease and cancer.

Allied Environmental LLC provides the expertise, experience, and proper equipment to safely remove asbestos containing materials from your facility. All projects are performed with fully trained and certified employees, all projects strictly follow local, state and federal regulations.

Common Residential/Commercial Asbestos Containing Products:

  • Vermiculite/Zonolite
  • Pipe Lagging, Thermal System Insulation – (TSI) Pipe Insulation
  • Spray on Fireproofing
  • Boiler, Tank, Breeching Insulation
  • Floor Tile, Floor Mastic, Foundation Mastics
  • Roofing Materials,
  • Transite – Cement Board Siding
  • Caulking, Glazing, Sealants
  • Joint Compound, Paints, HVAC Seam Sealants


  • Complete Removal – Removal of the product eliminates the hazard from the building;
  • Regulatory Compliance O&M – Management and make-safe in place;
  • Encapsulation – A paint type of product applied to seal and bind the product;
  • Enclosure – An airtight enclosure constructed until the product can be removed;

Call For an Estimate
(781) 588.9661


Allied Environmental is prepared to take on your demolition project. Allied can take on a clean out, full demolition or selective demolition. Our trained and skilled workforce is able deliver your project on time without incident.

Allied provides creative sophisticated techniques and specialized equipment that keeps workers and tenants safe while protecting the surroundings from damage and or  release of hazardous pollutants. Having your environmental contractor providing demolition has many benefits.

  • Selective Demolition
  • Architectural Demolition
  • Concrete Cutting
  • Materials Salvaging

Mold Remediation

Allied Environmental is highly experienced in hazardous material and asbestos containments. We are constructing negative air containments on a daily basis giving us a big advantage and qualifications for the removal of mold or mold-impacted building materials from your property. Our mold remediation personnel are continuously trained in the latest removal systems and technology. All mold remediation projects strictly follow local, state, federal regulations and guidelines.

Mold Contamination and indoor air quality is an ongoing issue and concern in many buildings and homes. These concerns are very real as mold can cause a variety of short- and long-term health effects. It is our highest priority to protect the health and safety of the building occupants during and after mold remediation.

Mold can cause a variety of adverse health effects. Exposure to mold can bring on reactions that include hay fever or asthma and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, or lungs. Both dead and living mold spores can spur allergic responses. More serious effects of mold exposure include infectious and toxic reactions.


  • Identify the moisture source
  • Create a scope of work to include procedures and protocols
  • Removal of the contaminated materials
  • Follow up – third party inspection

Guidelines and Standards:

  • IICRC S 520 Professional Mold Remediation Standards
  • IICRC S 500 Professional Water Damage Restoration Standards
  • iicrc.org
  • New York City Guidelines
  • NYC Dept of Health
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • ACGIH Bio-aerosol Guideline
  • US Environmental Protection Guidelines (EPA)
  • OSHA